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Contact us

Contact us

  Company information
  Enterprise name   Hubei Junlong special vehicle Co., LTD
  Enterprise address   No.7, Drifshui West Road, High-tech Zone, Suizhou City
  Company website   http://x39k.thehomecosmos.com
  E-mail box   hbjlqc@163.com
  Contact number
  Sales manager   李 猛
  Sales hotline   18908665555
  Sales manager   Li Shaocong
  Sales hotline   18871122599
  Sales manager   Chen Yongfang
  Sales hotline   17371557777
  Company telephone   0722 -3330988
  Company telephone   0722-3322078
  facsimile   0722 -3325250
  Business QQ   
  Account information
  Account holder   Hubei Junlong special vehicle Co., LTD
  Bank of deposit   Agricultural Bank of China Suizhou City branch north suburban branch office
  账  号   1778 2801 0400 03225
  Baidu map    * Left-click to zoom in, right-click to zoom out